
  • Final symposium PfleKoRo
    Facilitating care through cooperating robotics
    Invitation to the final symposium
    12 June 2023, 13:00-17:00 hrs
    Kaufmann Saal of the Center for Teaching and Training CT2 of RWTH Aachen University
    For more information on the agenda and registration, please see the adjacent document

20. - 22.09.2023

  • 6th Cluster Conference “Future Care
  • Shaping the future with care innovations – human, professional, digital
  • Oldenburg, Further information to follow

10.- 11.05.2023:

  • Final event of the BMBF funding line “Robotic Systems for Care” (face-to-face event, Osnabrück)

    At this large-scale public event at the end of the funding line, the project results and robotics of all participating collaborative projects will be presented. In addition, there will be a comprehensive supporting program and ample opportunity for exchange.
    Program focus:

    • Presentation of the project results of the joint projects
    • Exhibition of the robotic exhibits
    • Poster exhibition
    • Keynotes
    • Panel discussions
    • (interactive) workshops
  • All collaborative projects, guests from research and development, nursing practice, nursing education, nursing science, politics and civil society, care networks and business are cordially invited.
    Venue: Schlossaula of the University of Osnabrück.
    Further information will follow.


  • 3rd networking symposium of the BMBF funding line “Robotic Systems for Care” (online event)

    The networking symposium will focus on the challenges and solution approaches for data protection in robotic systems for care.
    The first day is planned as a public event, the second day is dedicated to the networking of the joint projects.
    Further information can be found here (link internal) and in the flyer for the networking symposium.
    For more information, click here.

    You can register here. Deadline is 19.03.2023.


  • HealthHack

    Two days of hacking, tinkering, coding for tomorrow’s health and care.
    Organizer: Metropolitan Region Hannover Braunschweig Göttingen Wolfsburg
    TRAFO Hub GmbH, Sophienstraße 40, 38118 Braunschweig, Germany
    Further information can be found here.


  • Symposium on Integrated Research
    As part of the BMBF cluster “Integrated Research”, the conference “Digitalised Living Environments and Integrative Technology Development” will take place on 28 February and 1 March 2023 in the auditorium of the TECHNOSEUM in Mannheim.
    Registration is possible until 01.02.2023.
    Further information can be found here.


  • International twin-workshop and conference
    On-site workshop (Bonn) and online TwinConference “Living the work of Integration” in cooperation with Arizona State University.
    The results of the workshop will be presented at the conference of the Research Cluster on Integrated Research (28.02.-01.03.2023).
    Registration under eveeno.


  • International Symposium: The Future of Assistive Technologies in Dementia Care – An Interdisciplinary Dialogue

    Call for Posters – Deadline: June 15, 2022
    International Symposium of the interdisciplinary research project “Ethical and Social Issues of Co-intelligent Monitoring and Assistive Technologies in Dementia Care” (EIDEC)
    Further information can be found here.


  • Robophilosophy 2022 – Social Robots in Social Institutions

    University of Helsinki, Finland.
    Further information can be found here.


  • Call for Participation: On the Genesis of Integrative Technology Development Projects

    How can the genesis of transdisciplinary technology development projects be made more integrative with regard to the inclusion of ethical, legal, social and other aspects? Collaborative research workshop – First part of intervention research “Genesis of integrative technology development projects”
    Time: July 12, 2022, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
    Location: Freistil, Tübingen (Wöhrdstraße 25, 72072 Tübingen). The workshop will take place in presence in Tübingen. If it is not possible for you to travel to Tübingen, please note this in the registration form.
    Organization: Céline Gressel (M.A.), Jacqueline Bellon (M.A.), Dr. Mone Spindler, International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW) University Tübingen
    Target group: Researchers and practice partners with experience in inter- and transdisciplinary externally funded projects


  • Designing together? Symposium on Participatory Technology Development

    The symposium will take place from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Magdeburg campus of the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. Technology development, design and research currently focus on involving users in the development and innovation of products, services and knowledge. In practice, however, it has become apparent that very different approaches and goals are pursued with participation. The interdisciplinary symposium is aimed at all those who use participatory methods in research, development and companies or who want to use them in the future. Together we will work out what a “good practice” of participatory technology and product development looks like.

    Registration at: fachtag-mti@h2.de


  • Digital Trend Talk Health

    Where does the healthcare industry stand today and how can it still develop?
    The “digital Trend Talk” will discuss exactly that.

    When: 04/28/2022 from 5-6:30 p.m.
    Where: Digitally via BBB, the link will be sent after registration.
    Participation is free of charge. Registration is possible until 27.04.2022 via email to giz@uol.de
    The talk takes place in the context of the EXIST-Potentiale project at the University of Oldenburg.

  • Technology moves care, cluster conference in Freiburg (hybrid)

    Call for Papers:

    The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the development and research of new care technologies. Within the framework of the “Future of Care” cluster (https://www.bmbf.de/bmbf/de/forschung/gesundheit/pflege/pflege_node.html), social and technical innovations in care are brought together: research, business and care practice work together with users on new products that are intended to facilitate and improve everyday care in Germany.

    The 5th Cluster Conference, planned as a hybrid event within the framework of the Future of Care Cluster, will take place in Freiburg from 21-22 September 2022. It will be held under the motto “Technology moves care”.

    We cordially invite you to submit abstracts for talks, posters and demonstrations for this conference. You will find the link and related information at https://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/zukunft-der-pflege-2022.html


  • E_Valuate! Design scopes & value conflicts in socio-digital evaluation infrastructures:

    The Scientific Centre for Information Technology Design (ITeG) at the University of Kassel is organising this conference, which will feature keynotes by Ulrich Dolata (Stuttgart), Jan-Hendrik Passoth (Frankfurt/O.) and Nicole Zillien (Gießen).

    There is a call for papers for this event with a submission deadline of 01.03.2022.

    Further information can be found here.


  • Digitalisation and care technology to compensate for shortages?:

    The Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine at the University of Halle is organising lectures and a panel discussion with Dipl.-Ing. Nora Weinberger, Prof. Dr. Karsten Weber and Prof. Dr. Patrick Jahn on this question on 24.02.2022 from 16:00 – 17:30. The event will take place online. You can find the programme here.


  • Networking symposium of the funding line “Robotic Systems for Care”:

    The University of Siegen is organising the second networking symposium of the funding line in the new year with a special focus on forward-looking topics such as “Robotics in Caring Communities”, “Value Orientation” as well as “Design Paradigms”. At the same time, there will be sufficient space for the presentations, networking activities and discussions of the participants in the collaborative projects. Due to the pandemic, this event will also take place digitally from 10.02.2022 to 11.02.2022. In lectures, expert discussions and workshops, we will engage in interdisciplinary, cross-project exchange. We are especially looking forward to the reports on the interim project statuses, which will show the developed robotics of the joint projects in practical nursing use. Just like last year, there will be a doctoral colloquium.

    10.02.2022, 9:00 a.m. – approx. 2:00 p.m.: Keynotes and project presentations of the collaborative projects of the funding line (open event for interested expert audience).

    10.02.2022, 15:00 – 18:00: Internal Doctoral Colloquium.

    11.02.2022, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Interactive Workshops & Networking (internal event of the collaborative projects and the accompanying project).

    Detailed information on the programme can be found here along with the invitation to the event. Registration is possible via this link.


  • Virtual congress on change, innovation and the future of nursing in clinical care: From Nov. 15-25, 2021, four live webinars will be offered each week. Among other things, this will include the webinar “Innovative technologies in clinical care – How digitization and robotics are shaping the care of the future” on 11/22 from 15:30 to 17:00, with a presentation by Uli Fischer and Astrid Stephan on “Developing robotics with and for nurses in clinical care. Current research projects on robotics in nursing care at two German university hospitals” will take place; More information at https://www.gesundheitskongresse.de/vpu/2021/



October/November 2021:

  • Together through Innovation: BMBF online events: The BMBF invites you to an accompanying research tour within the framework of its research program “Together through Innovation”: For this purpose, three online events are offered, which are thematically oriented to the program’s fields of action, more precisely “Digitally Supported Health”, “Liveable Spaces: Smart, Sustainable and Innovative” and “Methodological and Technological Foundations”. Further information on the events can be found here:


  • 4th Cluster Conference “Future of Care”: Under the motto “Researching together? For technical solutions in nursing care”, the PPZ Hannover is hosting the two-day event for the fourth time with an expert audience from science, practice and industry. The event takes place online, further information can be found at https://www.zukunft-der-pflege2021.de/



  • PhD Colloquium “Robotic Systems for Nursing”:
    • The first PhD colloquium of the funding line “Robotic Systems for Nursing” will be offered as an online-supported event on 26.02.2021 from 09-12 h. For more information about the program, please visit: Programm


  • Networking symposium of the funding line “Robotic systems for care”:
    • The first networking symposium of the funding line “Robotic Systems for Care” will be offered on 25.02.2021 as an online-supported event from 09-17 h. For more information about the program, please visit: Programm


  • 9th International conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Machine Learning, London/UK


  • A reason to celebrate!? Exactly 100 years ago today, the premiere of the play “R.U.R.” (Rossum’s Universal Robots) took place in Prague. The public performance of this utopian collective drama in 3 acts, based on the 1920 book by Czech writer Karel Čapek, is considered to be the origin of the spread of the term “robot” into everyday language. In the Czech language, the term “robota” means “heavy, laborious work or even subject labor.” The stage play “R.U.R.” still offers good occasions for critical reflections on the social use of robotics today.


  • Second methods workshop of the accompanying project BeBeRobot (2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)


  • Third Cluster Conference “Future of Care”, Nuremberg


  • “Healthcare Robotics Engineering Forum“, Boston/USA


  • Symposium “Ethical aspects of digital solutions in nursing care. An interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral dialogue”, Hannover

18.-21.08 2020:


  • Nursing Informatics, Brisbane/AUS


  • International Conference on Nursing Science & Technology, Prague, CZ (Webinar)


  • Research practice workshop “From empiricism to design and back” within the BMBF funding line “Robotic systems for care” (online event)
  • Please send registrations for the workshop to Richard.Paluch@uni-siegen.de


  • Kick-off event BMBF funding line “Robotic systems for care” (online event)