Although regular mobilization of intensive care patients leads to a more positive recovery process, only about a quarter of eligible patients are treated accordingly at an early stage. This is due to the high personnel costs and a higher safety risk. Robotic systems can provide a remedy, but they are not designed with the nursing, therapeutic and medical processes in mind.

A specific robotic system is therefore being used for the first time in the clinical intensive care units of a maximum care provider and its mode of action is being studied. The aim is to significantly increase the mobilization rate of critically ill patients. In order to enable the integration of robotic systems into the clinical treatment processes, process analyses, surveys of all professional groups involved and adjustments to the processes are being carried out in the project. The robotic requirements are to be adapted to everyday clinical practice, thereby increasing acceptance.

Project partners

  • Project coordinator:
    Klinikum der Universität München
  • ReActive Robotics GmbH, München
  • Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Eichstätt

Contact at project management agency

Angelika Frederking

Project Link

More information about the project MobiStar can be found here.

On the BMBF website you will find a brief introduction to the project as well as an overview of all funded research projects.